
Unlocking executive excellence

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Accelerating female leaders

Accelerating women into leadership isn’t just good for diversity; it’s essential for dynamic, resilient organisations.

Developing female talent

Alignment with company strategy

While many organisations have programs or initiatives to focus on individual high potential talent, far fewer have an aligned enterprise-wide strategy in place.

We support clients to develop high potential talent in parallel with internal mentors and sponsors, encouraging organisation wide adoption of initiatives.

Essential three stage approach

We run parallel programs for female talent and senior mentors/sponsors, similar in structure and designed to create alignment and momentum.


Targeted development of female talent

We include elements such as diagnostic tools, leadership development content on topics particularly relevant to female leaders, and forums for structured peer learning and building of networks. These are supported by proactively managed and supported career moves allowing access to crucial or pathway roles proven to accelerate progression into senior roles.


Educate, develop and measure leaders

Mentoring and sponsorship of female talent are widespread and they work; sponsorship by a (male) leader makes you 20% more likely to be promoted – although women are half as likely as men to have a sponsor. We take a structured approach to upskilling mentors, sponsors and line managers, to help them understand the specific issues female leaders face.


Align operating model, policies and processes

A holistic set of policies and processes regularly reviewed through a gender lens is key. Ongoing review of key touchpoints such as EVP, recruitment, promotion, performance management and remuneration to ensure gender neutrality is paramount.

Six focus areas

Interpersonal impact

Core leadership capabilities such as stakeholder management, influencing and communication skills have been consistently identified by participants.

Executive presence

Closely linked to interpersonal impact but specifically relating to interaction with senior leaders and stakeholders. How to build confidence and impact with Executive stakeholders internally and externally.

Career management

Defining the next career steps, understanding the path ahead, and achieving agreed development goals with managers, as well as building and leveraging networks to support this aim.

Efficiency and value

How to become more efficient and deliver more value, both in the role but also through the team and – in future – at an enterprise level. This includes understanding and making the shift to enterprise leader.

Vulnerability and openness

Being open to new ideas and allowing oneself to be vulnerable are regularly  Identified by participants in pre-program diagnostics, as are the benefits of peer connection and interaction, which would support this


Participants typically complete a wellness survey as part of our pre-program work, and elements of this, such as managing stress, workload pressure and focus, regularly emerge as themes in coaching conversations

Blended Learning

Our programs take a blended approach to delivery, incorporating a range of elements that we believe are critical to success.


Visible participation, ownership and sponsorship from the CEO, Board or other senior stakeholders. This includes interviews with senior leaders sharing their experiences and the importance the organisation places on this issue.

Topics directly relevant to female leaders

The program is designed around content and development areas proven to be critical.

Self-paced digital learning

We provide participants with a range of bespoke learning content, including external research, tools and activities to undertake.

Peer coaching circles

We facilitate a series of sessions focused on the key topics, in which participants share experiences and offer insights and advice. These also help build connection and peer networks.

External coach-mentor input

We use experienced senior female leaders from our Executive Coaching faculty, allowing us not only to coach but to provide mentoring insights from their first-hand experience at the highest levels of corporate Australia.

Tailored to the organisation

We tailor our approach and content to each client, including incorporating leader videos, company data and insights into the digital learning and peer coaching sessions wherever possible.

Example of leadership topics we cover through a gender-specific lens in the digital learning and coaching circles

  • Building executive presence
  • Assertiveness and self-advocacy
  • Self-confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Strategic networking
  • Proactive career planning and management
  • Work-life integration and boundary management
  • Navigating gender biases
  • Resilience and adaptability

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