
Unlocking executive excellence

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Executive Coaching

Executive presence & impact

Communicating with presence and impact is a must have skill for leaders who want to engage, inspire and connect meaningfully.


Build inspirational leaders

Our Executive Presence and Impact Program is a dynamic catalyst for leaders to build confidence, credibility and connection. Corporate leaders need to be able to build relationships and influence a broad range of stakeholders from internal teams, to external partners, media outlets, clients and more. We teach strategies to elevate your impact, helping you to achieve your performance goals.

Program topics

Our executive presence and impact program can be delivered in small groups or as individual coaching sessions. The sessions are intentionally practical with exercises to help you build confidence in your communication with others.

Understand the impact of your behaviour

  • Using vocal tone and the words you choose
  • Managing nervous energy, anxiety and imposter syndrome

Preparing your presence for meetings

  • Pre-meeting preparation exercises

Working with story

  • The power of storytelling

Building Rapport

  • How the professionals build rapport and connect with audiences of all sizes.
  • Understanding the dynamics, behaviour and physiology of engagement

The secret to speaking less - and saying more

  • Understand the power of body language and breath support
  • Mastering strength and warmth

Increase your influence

Designed for corporate influencers, change practitioners and leaders of leaders, this highly interactive and empowering program will help you overcome fears, change old habits and convey your personal brand of authentic leadership.

Communicate with

Communicate ideas clearly and with conviction at all levels


Engage effectively and empathetically with stakeholders

Influence people
& outcomes

Speak convincingly to when seeking to influence an outcome

and connect

Convey vision in a way that inspires support and confidence.

What our clients say

“Peter is an excellent facilitator with great energy. He has a great ability to simplify the complex, and to understand business issues to convey them in a simpler, easier way to understand.”  

Workshop attendee

Frequently asked questions

I don’t like workshops, do you have any other delivery methods?

Our Executive Presence and Impact Programs can be customised to suit the needs of an individual or organisation. We offer the program as 1:1 coaching sessions or in-house workshops at your company with teams of up to 10 people.

Is there preparation work required?

Prior to the sessions, you will be provided with a workbook. However there is no mandatory pre-reading required.

How long does the program run for?

This can be fully customised to suit the needs of the individual or business. In the case of an in-house workshop, this would generally run for 1 business day. 1:1 Coaching sessions can be split up over several weeks, providing an opportunity for the leader to put the theory into practice and reflect on learning.

What is the cost of the program?

Again, this varies based on the delivery method and number of participants. Contact our team to discuss your needs.

Interested in executive presence and impact coaching?

Contact our team to explore options for your organisation.

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