
Unlocking executive excellence

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About SMG



Executive coaching and leadership development need not be a mystery. Here are the answers to many of our commonly asked questions.

Network of over 70 executive coaches and mentors

Working with 30 of the top 50 ASX-listed companies

100% commitment to continuous development


Pioneering executive coaching

As pioneers in Australia’s executive coaching industry, SMG has long term relationships with many of our clients. We are embedded in the way they do business, as a trusted advisor and partner in leadership development.


Our vision is to remain APAC’s premier executive coaching and leadership advisor, trusted to deliver sustainable value for our clients, their people and key stakeholders.

Frequently asked quesions

What’s the difference between mentoring and coaching?

Executive coaching and mentoring differ primarily in their objectives. Executive Coaching is task-oriented, aiming to enhance defined skills, behaviours, and performance.  Coaches provide structured feedback and hold executives accountable, helping them achieve measurable outcomes related to business objectives.


Mentoring is more relationship-focused and often involves long-term career and personal development. Mentors, in most cases are senior individuals with lived experienced in a similar industry or profession to that of their mentee, provide guidance based on their own experiences.

Does SMG only do executive coaching and mentoring?

Our methodology doesn’t rely solely on coaching and mentoring. A fundamental strength of our practice is the ability of our team to move fluidly between multiple modalities as determined by client needs. This flexibility, coupled with proven expertise in the fields of organisational behaviour and cultural change, positions us at the peak, not only of coaching and mentoring, but full-service leadership development.

What does SMG offer that’s different to other coaching and mentoring firms?

Many coaching firms offer coaches with formal coaching qualifications. What sets SMG apart is the additional lived experience and commercial acumen of our Executive Coaches and Mentors. They have walked in the shoes of leaders, and bring with them decades of leadership experience. They understand the pressures faced at all levels of leadership.

How do I know if it’s the right time to be coached?

There is no right or wrong time for executive coaching. We look at leadership on a continuum, constantly being refined based on new experiences, regardless of career stage. Our team can work with you to define your objectives, challenges or obstacles, and determine the most appropriate modality to address your needs.

How long is a typical coaching engagement?

Our coaching engagements vary based on the needs of the leader or organisation. Generally coaching engagements range from 6-12 months.

How do you measure the impact of executive coaching?

Thorough impact assessments are a fundamental component of all SMG coaching, mentoring and leadership development programs. To provide depth of insight, we undertake 360 reviews, assess goal outcomes and interview 3rd parties. We assess impact on the individual, team and organisation.

How do I select a coach? and how will I know if the executive coach is right for me?

After establishing a comprehensive brief with one of the SMG team members to understand what you are hoping to achieve from your coaching or mentoring engagement,  we provide you with Executive Coach/Mentor options based on our extensive network of experienced associates. We consider coach specialisations and how they best fit with your individual needs. Following this, a meeting with each coach helps you to determine which coach is the right fit for you.

If the coach isn’t familiar with my work and life circumstances, how will they help me?

All of SMG executive coaches are qualified across one or more of the following areas: executive coaching, organisational psychology and clinical psychology. This provides all SMG Associates with a range of foundations and frameworks in which to apply during your sessions. They do not need to know detailed information about your work and life circumstances to be able to support you. They are trained in asking the right questions to get to the core of the issues and strategies to overcome obstacles.

Does executive coaching involve a psychometric tool?

There are many diagnostic tools available in executive coaching. These are used to help both the leader and the coach to gain a better understanding of blind spots and areas of development. At SMG, we are agnostic in regard to which tools we use. If you are not comfortable with the use of psychometric testing, this can be discussed with your coach or mentor and an alternative solution identified.


The art and science of leadership

Our tagline, “The Art of Leadership,” highlights that leadership development is indeed an art. It demands intellectual capital, dedicated effort, and thoughtful evaluation to achieve mastery. At SMG, we aim to remain at the forefront of executive coaching and leadership development by continuously refining our capabilities.

Our global partners

Our global partners

To enhance our executive coaching and leadership development capabilities, SMG partners with like-minded regional and international businesses, including:

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